Gay history in Morocco and Southern Spain

Here is an interesting article about gay history in Tangier.  Oscar Wilde Tours would love to organize a tour to southern Spain and Morocco in 2017.  Southern Spain has a fascinatingly complex history, including a lot of gay history.  Rome’s gayest emperor, Hadrian (whose male lover Antinous appears in museums in New York, London, Paris, Rome, Delphi, etc.) was from a city called Italica, the ruins of which are near modern Seville.  Later on, there was a whole tradition of male-male poetry in Arab Spain, and sadly, the Inquisition was particularly active in southern Spain. As a result, Southern Spain’s lovely cities—Córdoba, Seville, and Granada—are a great place to learn about both tolerance and prosecution.  And Seville is also the setting for one of the all-time favorite operas, Bizet’s Carmen.  In fact, the once famous cigar factory (where Carmen works) is now the main building of the university.

And Morocco has a fabulous gay history as well.  A certain fluidity about sexuality in the native culture attracted a host of gay Western artists in the 19th and early 20th century.  As the article says:

“Morocco…has always been a nation where tolerance is practiced but not preached” As a result, “there was a time when Morocco was renowned as a haven for gay Americans and Britons, who fled restrictions in their own countries to take advantage of its relaxed atmosphere.  And “Tangier’s huge literary legacy…includes Jean Genet, Andre Gide, Tennessee Williams, Truman Capote, Gore Vidal and Joe Orton, all of whom were gay or bisexual.”

Plus of course Morocco is gorgeous, with wonderful crafts and food, and….we would love to go there.  But of course the Arab world is far less tolerant than it was in the days of the Spanish Arab love poets.   Morocco is clearly the most stable, safest, and most tolerant Arab country left, but we would love to hear from our readers about their experiences there.

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